Barnsley manager Simon Davey says Brazilian defender Dennis Souza is available for selection for Saturday's trip to Derby after he apologised for his midweek strop.
According to this week's Chronicle, Souza refused to sit on the bench for Tuesday's game against Crystal Palace. His name was originally submitted among the list of substitutes but Souza refused, forcing Davey to cross his name off the list at the last minute.
Davey said: "Dennis chose not to be a substitute. You want people fighting your corner, you want the players in the trenches with you and Dennis chose not to join us in the trenches."
Striker Daniel Bogdanovic also made known his dismay about being dropped and it is understood Luke Steele has been upset at his lack of first team opportunities. But Davey added: "I believe in my players and I know we will stay in this division - but I am paid to pick the squad and sometimes you have to like it or lump it."
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Sulking Souza available for selection
byIan Wilkinson
Posted by Ian Wilkinson
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